Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Côte d’Ivoire-AIP/ A collective breaking of the fast to consolidate fraternity between Muslims in the education-training sector of Bondoukou

The collective of Muslim staff in the education and training sector of Bondoukou organized a collective break in the Ramadan fast, Friday, March 31, 2023, at the modern high school 2 of Bondoukou to consolidate fraternity between these members, said says the president of the Organizing Committee, Fofana Vakaba.

In the presence of the first deputy mayor of the commune, Bourahima Ouattara, and the regional director of national education (DRENA) of Bondoukou, Coulibaly Naffo, the Muslim faithful shared by mutual agreement their desire to seal the fraternal communion, according to Mr. Naffo.

“We are in a blessed month of Ramadan, I am happy and I would like to thank the initiators of this event and pray that God give us long life and grant us these graces,” greeted the first deputy mayor.

During this meeting, the president of the Association of Young Muslims of Côte d’Ivoire (AJMCI) of Bondoukou, Ouattara Fetigué, invited the participants to grasp the nobility of fasting for their religious life and their health.

the president of the Association of Young Muslims of Côte d’Ivoire (AJMCI) of Bondoukou, Ouattara Fetigué,

The purpose of fasting is to achieve godliness. It is a question of praying, of sacrificing to the various obligations, of doing many supererogatory acts carried out by the Muslim in addition to the five daily prayers”, he advised, recalling that this time of piety makes it possible to strengthen the system. immune system and reduce inflammatory diseases.

This collective breaking of the fast brought together the Muslim staff of the two Bondoukou high schools, the modern college of Bondoukou, the DRENA, the Antenna for pedagogy and continuing education (APFC) and the CAFOP.

Source: Agence Ivoirienne de Presse