Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Côte d’Ivoire -AIP/ 13 butchers and cold room managers authorized to practice in Nassian for the year 2023

Nassian, Thirteen butchers and cold room managers have been authorized to practice in the department of Nassian for the year 2023 after analysis of files by the departmental committee for examination and approval of the profession,

The application files for the exercise of the profession of butchers and managers of cold rooms were presented by the departmental director of animal and fisheries resources of Nassian Dodo Jean Brice, during a session, which took place, Thursday, May 11 2023 at the prefecture.

At the end of this meeting, 13 files were admitted to exercise on the territory of Nassian.

The president of the commission, the prefect N’Guessan Kamon asked the economic operators working in this sector of activity, to pay their taxes regularly.

The commission for approval to practice the profession of butchers and cold room managers is made up of the prefect, the sub-prefect, the doctor, the tax and treasury officials, the brigade commander, the departmental director of resources Animals and Fisheries and the Mayor of Nassian.

Source: Agence Ivoirienne de Presse