Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Circumcision Graduation Ceremony Held In Kabete, Kiambu County

After nine days of grooming, a group boys transitioned into young men through the Kikuyu tradition, spearheaded by the renowned ‘kiama kia maa’ culture.

The graduation took place at Valence School Academy, Kabete sub-county, Kiambu County.

During the graduation ceremony, parents and the society at large were urged to take great care of the boy child against the arising issues of drug abuse and homosexuality.

The young men were also encouraged to take education very seriously to be great men in society.

The Kabete Sub County Kiama kia maa organizing Secretary General Mr. Kariuki Ndundu said that their organization is legal and men should join them to build a strong societal base.

Giving his speech, the Sub-County Chairman Mr. Kariuki Kimathi said he had 292 boys in the facility and promised the parents that they would receive the young men as grown-ups and not as the small boys they delivered.

The parents were encouraged to teach their children their Kikuyu language as they had problems with communicati

Source: Kenya News Agency