Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Burkina Faso took part in the Central African Independence Day

A Burkinabè government delegation, led by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Karamoko Jean Marie Traoré, took part in the celebration of the independence day of the Central African Republic.

On the occasion of the celebration of the 64th anniversary of the independence of the Central African Republic, on August 13, a Burkinabe delegation led by the head of Burkinabe diplomacy, was received in audience by the Central African President Faustin Archange Touadéra , in Bangui, the capital.

During this audience, Minister Karamoko Traoré praised the quality of the relations of friendship and cooperation between the two countries, highlighting the solid ties that unite them, particularly around the defense of unfailing sovereignty.

Minister Traoré carried a message of fraternity and solidarity from President Ibrahim Traoré, President of Faso, to his Central African counterpart.

The Burkinabè delegation said it was honored by the invitation to participate in this important ceremony marking the accession of the Cent
ral African Republic to international sovereignty.

President Touadéra , for his part, expressed his solidarity and friendship with Captain Ibrahim Traoré. He praised the courage and self-sacrifice of the President of Faso in his leadership of the Burkinabè people towards a more prosperous future.

Source : Burkina Information Agency