Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Awendo NG-CDF Awards Sh50.5 Million Worth Of Bursaries To Students

Over seven thousand students from Awendo constituency Migori County have received bursaries from the National Government-Constituency Development Funds (NG-CDF).

Speaking during the issuance of the bursary worth Sh 50.5 million to over seven thousand needy students, Awendo Member of Parliament Walter Owino said that the bursary will ensure the needy students get a chance to advance their education careers.

Owino however, pointed out that although the system to award bursaries from the NG-CDF has over time helped needy students’ access education, he was of the opinion that the surest way to help the nation’s education system was to make education free.

‘We had more than eleven thousand applicants for the bursary but our NG-CDF could only cater for the seven thousand. The government needs to prioritise free education to give each child in Kenya a chance to better their education,’ lamented Owino.

The legislature disclosed that they will be lobbying the government to fully take care of the entire education c
ost to help keep needy children in school.

Simeon Makawa, a parent from Awendo Sub County explained that the cost of education for orphans, needy and vulnerable children can become unbearable if they do not get the bursaries.

He called on well-wishers to help support the less privileged children to make society a better place.

Source: Kenya News Agency