Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


AIP / “Satisfactory” results in the execution of the 7th Côte Ivoire-UNICEF cooperation program

The results “satisfactory” was made in the implementation of the 7 th program of cooperation with the Ivory Coast in the areas of education, health, protection of children’s rights and adolescents, noted, Thursday, December 9, 2021, in Abidjan, the resident representative of UNICEF in Côte d’Ivoire, Marc Vincent.

A review of the various projects contained in the cooperation program between UNICEF and Côte d’Ivoire will be held from Thursday 9 to Friday 10 December 2021 in Abidjan, at the initiative of the Ministry of Planning and Development and the representation of UNICEF, for a better definition of the activities and priorities of this program to be carried out in 2022.

In the field of health, Marc Vincent notes that the use of the intrauterine balloon (UBT) and “kangaroo mother” care have saved 300 women and nearly 3,000 newborns with a success rate of 90%. this technique. In the field of education, the implementation of innovations has made it possible to improve the educational offer with the construction of 190 plastic brick classrooms and the strengthening of the resilience of the education system during the pandemic. of Covid 19.

Regarding child protection, new collaboration mechanisms with the health sector have made it possible to register the births of nearly 812,000 children and save more than 500 child victims of violence who have benefited from adequate care by justice services.

“In view of the few results thus obtained, the scaling up of innovations is necessary to accelerate progress towards the achievement of the objectives of the Development Plan and of the United Nations development cooperation framework relating to improving human capital and enhancing the exclusivity of the development process ”, added the representative of UNICEF.

For the Director of the Cabinet of the Ministry of Planning and Development, Yéo Nahoua, this review is an opportunity to capitalize on the achievements, in order to facilitate the implementation of the work plan budgeted for in 2022. It will thus make it possible to highlight, on the basis of performance indicators, the main achievements of the program in 2021, analyze the main constraints and lessons learned.

“The conclusions of these two days of work will feed into the preparation of the 2021 report on the implementation of the PND 2021-2025”, he added.

This program fits well with the government’s commitment to improve the living conditions of the populations, concluded Yéo Nahoua, recalling that it is aligned with the National Development Plan (PND) 2021-2025, adopted by the Council of Ministers. and also linked to pillar 2 of the PND, “entitled development of human capital and promotion of employment” as well as to the United Nations cooperation framework for sustainable development.

This 7 th program of cooperation between UNICEF and the Ivory Coast was started in January 2021. It covers the period 2021-2025 and provides for the mobilization of a budget of about USS 212 million dollars, nearly 70 billion CFA francs including 29% provided for from regular resources.

This program includes eight components, namely health and HIV-AIDS, nutrition, hygiene, water and sanitation, education, protection of children, adolescents and young people, social inclusion and program effectiveness, advocacy, communication for development and planning, monitoring and evaluation.