Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times

Day: September 16, 2024


Gachagua, Waiguru to leaders: Stop fighting, focus on development

Leaders from the Mount Kenya region who have been in the recent past exchanging political tirades have been requested to calm down and concentrate on the development agenda.

Speaking at Our Lady of Sorrows Baricho Catholic Church in Ndia Constituenc…


Mwea farmers sensitised on Aquaculture

Fish farmers in Kirinyaga County have received training on the breeding of Catfish, Tilapia, and ornamental fish in an initiative geared towards increasing fish production in the county as well as national food security.

Kirinyaga, one of the agricu…


County embarks on waste recycling to promote environmental conservation

Nakuru County has embarked on converting waste disposal sites and sewerage treatment facilities into useful resources through recycling as a way of mitigating the impacts of the waste on the environment and public health.

According to County Executi…


Judiciary focuses on Green Justice

Chief Justice (CJ) Martha Koome has highlighted Green Justice as one of the strategic priorities the Judiciary is implementing in order to achieve the ultimate goal of attaining a people-centred justice system in the country.

Speaking during the Jud…


UDA Party officials embark on grassroots mobilisation

The United Democratic Alliance (UDA) Party Executive Council members in Homa Bay County have embarked on an aggressive mobilisation of the grassroots in the region to support the government.

Led by former Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero, County Party …


Nakuru launches electric motorbikes to reduce carbon emissions

The County Government of Nakuru has launched electric motorbikes as part of the transition to electric mobility towards reducing the carbon footprint.

The devolved unit’s administration has indicated that it is keen to support the national governmen…