Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Turkey expresses ‘deep sadness’ over deaths in Europe due to flooding

Turkey on Friday expressed “deep sadness” over the deaths this week in a number of Western European countries due to severe flooding.

“Deeply saddened to learn that many people have lost their lives and many more are missing following severe floods in western Europe, particularly in Germany,” Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu wrote on Twitter.

“Our thoughts and deepest sympathies are with the victims and their families,” Cavusoglu added, mentioning the names of his German, Belgian and Dutch counterparts – Heiko Maas, Sophie Wilmes, and Sigrid Kaag respectively.

On Friday, the death toll from Germany’s worst floods in more than 200 years rose to 81, while in Belgium the toll rose to 12, as search and rescue efforts continue.

Around 10,000 residents in Maastricht have been told by Dutch authorities to evacuate their homes.

Source: Anadolu Agency