Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Côte d’Ivoire – AIP / The return of former President Laurent Gbagbo is an opportunity for national reconciliation (population of Bondoukou)

The return of former President Laurent Gbagbo is an opportunity for national reconciliation, the population of Bondoukou (North-East, Gontougo region) said during a micro-sidewalk, Thursday June 17, 2021.

According to Silué Kanigui, a high school teacher, the return of Laurent Gbagbo will contribute to the reconciliation of Ivorians and to the strengthening of social cohesion. He praised President Ouattara’s gesture which allowed the former president to return to his native land. “I am really happy with this return because it is only justice done,” he said.

For the Federal of the Ivorian Popular Front (FPI) of Bondoukou, Koffi Anani, peace and reconciliation in Côte d’Ivoire must go through the presence of Laurent Gbagbo in his country where he was born. He said he was happy and proud of this arrival and hopes that it will lead to a real reconciliation between the Ivorians. “Laurent Gbagbo has forgiven everything that has been done to him and the Ivorians must follow his example so that we can live in peace,” he said.

The regional correspondent of the daily “Le temps”, Pascal Assibondry, who acknowledged that the arrival of the former President will give a boost to reconciliation and social cohesion. He expressed his joy and emotion and said that Ivorians have now realized the importance of living in peace.

“We now want to live in a country in peace and reconciled”, launched Djédjé Christ, a student in Terminale who recognized that the presence of Laurent Gbagbo will help to ease the tension in the country. Which will bode well for young people who aspire to a better future.

Laurent Gbagbo returned to Côte d’Ivoire this Thursday, June 17, 2021, after his final acquittal on March 31, 2021 by the International Criminal Court (ICC) where he was detained for nearly 10 years, accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity .

Source: Agence Ivoirienne de Presse