Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Côte d’Ivoire-AIP / The office of a rural women’s association invested in Oumé

The office of the association of “women worthies” of Dougbafla, a town four kilometers from the town of Oumé was invested at a ceremony at the public town square.

This association aims to actively participate in the development of Dougbafla through income-generating activities, the fight against poverty through in particular the financial empowerment of women in the rural area.

This is the commitment made by the office of the Association of Worthy Women of Dougbafla (ADFD) on the occasion of the inauguration of the office which was held on Saturday May 29, 2021, in the presence of the sponsor of the ceremony, Assamoi Bi Konin Ferdinand, Commander of Yamoussoukro Airport.

The president of the association, Médé Kohin Lou Rose assured Saturday, May 29, 2021, the sponsor, Assamoi Bi Konin Ferdinand, to carry out commercial activities in the food sector, in order to win the fight against poverty which passes through the promotion of self-sufficient food and self-employment.

Created in June 2019, ADFD has more than 500 women.

Source: Agence Ivoirienne de presse