Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Côte d’Ivoire-AIP / The new sub-prefect of Kouto takes office

Abidjan, June 30, 2021 (AIP) – The handover between the brand new sub-prefect of Kouto, Coulibaly Sékou Alpha Yaya, and his predecessor took place on Wednesday June 30, 2021.

The ceremony was chaired by the prefect of Kouto, Gnamou Angoran Pierre. He asked his new collaborator to be kind, easily approachable, courteous while being rigorous and not to be harsh.

The prefect indicated that Coulibaly Sékou is at his first post, which he therefore comes to put into practice in the field, the knowledge acquired at the National School of Administration (ENA).

“(…) I appreciate the magnitude of the task and the weight of the responsibilities entrusted to me as Prefectural Authority”, declared the new sub-prefect, after expressing his gratitude to the President of the Republic Alassane Ouattara as well. than the Minister of the Interior and Security.

Appointed in favor of the last prefectural movement by Decree N ° 2021 – 260 of May 27, 2021, Coulibaly Sékou also thanked the prefect of Kouto for his availability and support. “I remain convinced that with your immense qualities and experiences in the administration of the territory, as well as the wise advice that you will like to give me the benefit of, I will be able to meet the expectations of the Head of State and the populations” , continued the civil administrator.

Il a salué son prédécesseur, Koffi Koffi Modeste, sous-préfet de Gbon qui assurait l’intérim à Kouto, pour le travail abattu dans cette circonscription.

“Pour ma part, mes portes resteront ouvertes. J’afficherai donc ma disponibilité afin qu’ensemble, nous travaillons au renforcement de la paix, de la cohésion et du vivre ensemble pour le développement harmonieux de la circonscription administrative de Kouto”, a affirmé Coulibaly Sékou.

La cérémonie s’est déroulée à la sous-préfecture de Kouto, en présence des directeurs et des chefs de service, des chefs religieux (imam) et de canton, de responsables de communautés ainsi que quelques représentants des jeunes, rapporte une note d’information transmise à l’AIP.

Source: Agence Ivoirienne de Presse