Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Côte d’Ivoire-AIP / Opening of a seminar on the contribution of victims to reconciliation

The Minister of Reconciliation, Konan Kouadio Bertin aka KKB, proceeded, on Thursday, June 10, 2021, to the opening of a seminar on the contribution of victims’ organizations in the reconciliation process national court, in order to take into account all their concerns.

According to Konan Kouadio, the government pays particular attention to the collaboration of the victims of the various crises that have arisen since 1999 in the search for national reconciliation.

For two days, the victims of the various crises will break the silence, through the framework of reflection offered to them to make their expectations known, but above all to indicate how they intend to contribute to reconciliation between Ivorians.

KKB called on the victims to “put away (their) real, deep and painful wounds in order (s) to embark on the path of inner peace, in order to lay the foundations of hope and a better existence”.

“I have no doubt that if you, who bear on your bodies, in your minds, even in your souls, the marks and the sufferings of crises, agree to speak the language of reconciliation, then nothing can hinder this process,” he concluded .

Source: Agence Ivoirienne de Presse