Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Côte d’Ivoire-AIP / Minister Amadou Coulibaly announces the continuation of the restructuring of Fraternité Matin

The Minister of Communication, Media and Francophonie, Amadou Coulibaly, announced on Tuesday June 1, 2021, the continued restructuring of the Fraternité Matin Group by implementing “new models economic, editorial, commercial and managerial ”.

For Minister Amadou Coulibaly, it is important that the structure continues to fulfill its “mission of disseminating information as a public good” while ignoring mood swings because “information remains above all a public good”.

“You know your mission here at Fraternité Matin. We know that we can count on you to assume it fully, again and again, ”expressed Mr. Coulibaly, after a guided visit to the premises of the press organ. He congratulated the Director General Venance Konan, his collaborators as well as the agents of the New and Publishing Company of Côte d’Ivoire (SNPECI, editor of the daily Fraternité Matin) for all the work done.

He added that he will work to keep SNPECI “upright” by making a commitment to make Fraternité Matin, as its first manager wishes, the largest newspaper in Africa, one of the printing presses. major companies in Africa and one of the continent’s largest publishing houses.

“I undertake to analyze with the greatest attention, the problems that you have highlighted both at the level of the subsidy (operating and investment), as the debt of Edipresse and its recapitalization”, a- he promised to conclude.

This visit by the Minister of Communication, Media and La Francophonie was initially scheduled for May 3, 2021, on the occasion of the celebration of International Press Freedom Day which had as its theme “Information as a public good”.

Source: Agence Ivoirienne de presse