Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Côte d’Ivoire-AIP / CNDH sensitized on child labor in Minignan

The regional branch of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH) carried out an awareness campaign on the phenomenon of child labor in Sambadougou, a village located 15 km from Minignan.

During this awareness campaign held on Monday , May 31, 2021 , the local president of this institution, Tiefa Nicaise, explained to the populations who had come in large numbers the merits of the fight against child labor.

Indeed, the village of Sambadougou, the first cotton producer in the department of Minignan, is also renowned for the exploitation of children in the fields. This motivated Mr. Tiéfa and his team to go there to challenge the populations on the dangers of this practice and the legal consequences incurred.

By responding to this question from the local head of the CNDH, the village authorities have made a commitment to help the children return to school.

Source: Agence Ivoirienne de presse