Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Côte d’Ivoire-AIP / A study reveals the vulnerability of the Sud-Comoé region to climate change

A study conducted by the NGO CIDR Pamiga as part of the implementation of the socio-professional integration project for young people and promotion of the green and circular economy revealed the vulnerability of the region Sud-Comoé to climate change, Thursday June 17, 2021 during a workshop held in Aboisso.

This study revealed that temperature and rainfall are the climatic parameters that will be impacted by climate change in the region.

This change will mainly impact four sectors which represent 50% of the region’s total vulnerability, namely roads and transport, health, forestry and agriculture.

This study presented the Sud-Comoé region as a space to be preserved, a space for economic development, a space for the provision of public services, a living environment and a secure local governance area.

Therefore, the region will have to promote green professions and the green and circular economy and a carbon offset fund.

New professions in the fields of agroecology, fish farming, biogas among others will have to emerge in the region for the benefit of young people, said one of the officials of CIDR Pamega, Hervé Sterkers.

The International Center for Development and Research (CIDR) and Pamiga are two pioneering actors in sustainable economic development in sub-Saharan Africa. For more than 50 years, CIDR has designed socio-economic development programs adapted to local and national ecosystems.

Pamiga has been accompanying and supporting participatory microfinance institutions for more than 15 years through technical and financial services, we learned.

Source: Agence Ivoirienne de Presse