Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Burkina: Turkey wants to extend its bilateral cooperation in the field of education

Turkish Ambassador to Burkina Faso, Nilgun Erdem Ari, expressed her country’s willingness to cooperate in the field of education with Burkina Faso, Thursday in Ouagadougou.

Received in audience by the Burkinabe Minister Delegate for Regional Cooperation, Stella Eldine Kabré/Kaboré, the Turkish diplomat welcomed the quality of Turkish-Burkinabe relations and expressed her country’s wish to cooperate also in the field of education.

“Relations in several areas are excellent and we want to further develop our relations this time in the field of education” said Ambassador Nilgun Erdem Ari quoted by the communication service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Burkina.

Ms. Kabré and Ms. Ari also expressed the “firm will” to strengthen cooperation ties between Burkina Faso and the Republic of Turkey, again according to the communication service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Burkina.

Source: Burkina Information Agency