Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Côte d’Ivoire-AIP / Teachers from Assinie Mafia discover the Ehotilé Islands National Park in Adiaké

Teachers gathered within the Association of Teachers of the Educational Sector of Assinie (AESA) discovered, Monday, May 31, 2021, the splendor of the Ehotilé Islands National Park, during a visiting places.

These teachers crossed Etuessika beach for Assoko Monobaha Island in order to contemplate, mainly, medicinal plants. They also visited Île Méa, known for its tourist attractions. This area March specific scavenger is filled with medicinal plants.

“We are organizing this outing to de-stress after nine months of hard work and also the park is right next to us,” said the president of the friendly AESA, Zamblenan Odette.

“It is a good initiative that officials decide to visit the national park because they will serve as a link between us and the populations in raising awareness and protecting said park”, greeted the chief sergeant of the Ivorian Parks Office. and reserves (OIPR), Konan Remy.

The Ehotilé Islands National Park occupies 722 ha of area including 522 ha of dry land and 200 ha of water. This park, which was created in 1974, includes six islands including five accessible islands. Of the remaining five islands, three have been developed for sightseeing.

Source: Agence Ivoirienne de presse